The first Y’s Men’s club in Russia came to life in spring time 1991 at the North-West area in the town Kirovsk (220 km to south from Murmansk) on the May 11, 1991. The club got name Kirovsk Y’s Men’s club. The first president of it was Antonina Sidorovich. The sponsor of the club was Harstad Y’s Men’s club and the godfather of this club and Y’s dom in Russia was Noravl Gabrielsen.
From the North-West of Russia Y’s dom spreaded to St.Petersburg and then to the central part of Russia and to the Ural (Ivanovo, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Bryansk, Novosibirsk).
Because the Region Norway was the initiator of the spreading Y’s Men Movement to Russia and helped very active in opening the new clubs the International Board decided to join Russian Y’s Men’s clubs in Norway Region.
Y’s Men’s clubs from Norway continue to help the Russian Y’s men. For a three year period 1996 - 1998 the Democracy Project was launched. Norwegian Y’s men took part in organization and chartering new clubs, training leaders of Russian Y’s Men’s Movement, invite members of Russian Y’s Men’s club to visit Norway (representatives of all Russian clubs have visited Norway). Norwegian Y’s Men’s clubs have been involved in humanitarian aid to poor people in Russia, provide the finances for the charitable projects. The YEEP-system (youth exchange) has allowed many children of members of Russian Y’s Men’s clubs to go to Norway and other countries for studying up one year.
From 1996 the Y’s Men’s clubs in Russia grew as the section of Norway Region with 3 districts: Barents, Golden Ring and St.Petersburg.
We are very grateful to Norway Region Boards, RD’s and PA/PE Russia from the 19911 – Noravl Gabrielsen, Yan Christian Eckhoff, Aslaug R. Gilje for their help us and attention to our problems. Peculiarity Y’s Men’s Movement in Russia.       Y’s Men’s Movement in Russia are developing in the heavy situation: unstable economy, unemployment, very low earning of employers’ absence purpose and objectives, many branches of charces, sects, parties, who try to involve people to their thinking. In such situation people try to find the way how to live, to help themselves’ their children, friends. Some people have found their way in Y’s Men Movement with it’s purpose and historical experience. The ideas have putted in Y’s dom and practice work when it was founded are very attractive for Russian now. We would like to suggest people Y’s men ideals and make the Y’s Men’s Movement benefit and longed – for them. The attractive of our movement will be reliable if we realize in practice our aims – the opportunities. Y’s Men’s clubs give to its members for involvement and growth: individually, locally internationally. It’s means that people must have their own interest to be member of Y’s Men’s club. The main possibility what we must suggest is the next:
The next very important question are fundraising and financing Y’s dom in Russia because the dues like in Western countries are not possible for members of Y’s Men’s clubs in Russia. For today total annual dues for Russian members is appr. 8 USD, the Region Norway adds appr. 4,5 USD each member and is the sponsor of many events in Russian Y’s Men’s Movement (incl. Section and district conferences, travels’ seminars, some clubs have sponsor supports from brother clubs etc.). The need for the new Region budget might be 50 - 60 USD per members. It is not possible for most part of our members (the average wages many of them 25 - 100 USD per month).
We would like to keep dues from members like now – 8 USD and in this situation alternative sources have to be made.
Y’s men all over the world acknowledge the stated purpose:
The International Association Y’s men’s clubs is a worldwide fellowship of persons of all faiths working together in mutual respect and affection, based on the teaching of Jesus Christ.
It means that Y’s Men’s Movement suitable for the people in the countries with different religious and some of them (not Christian) follow the teaching of Jesus Christ like human values.
In Russia we have all the branch of Christian church (Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Orthodox), Buddhism, Muslim, many sects and very many unbelieving persons. And we invite all of them to be Y’s man. In Russian the widespread religion is Orthodox Christian Church. We agree to work closely together. And to do mutual events. But we know that Russian Orthodox Church is guarded to all (not Orthodox) faiths. Out task to show them our loyalty to work together where it is possible, to invite the representatives of Orthodox Church to our meeting for learning Christ emphasis but understand that we are not religion organization and have many another problems to solve.
Y’s Men’s Movement is loyalty to authorities in all countries. One of the objectives of our constitutions is:
“To encourage justice in civic and international affairs, abstaining always from party politics”.
Primary activities of Y’s Men’s clubs are concentrated at the local level (90 %) that is why the collaboration with local administrations is positive factor. Members of Y’s Men’s clubs may suggest themselves to participate in official projects, carry out by authorities in the direction of our purpose and objectives (charity, enlightenment, youth etc.), take part in tenders, attract officers to realize Y’s Men’s projects.
We pay much attention joint activity with YMCA, scouts, another youth organization. We can help them in education, organization of seminars, trainings, contacts with foreign partners.
One of our objectives is to get better the situation at the place where we live.
Members of Russian Y's Men keep a high academic level such as medical doctors, holders of academic degrees, teachers on various levels, managers. The most of them have already realized the values and advantages life has in democratic society. They have learnt to appreciate the democratic ways of running an organization and are involving themselves enthusiastically in charity work. After more than ten years with training and Y's men activity we have experience Regional Board elected for the 2 years 2003-2005 (in accordance with our constitution) and most important RSD.
We have real leaders in every district, who manage to organize work.
YMCA and Y's men came to Russia by different way: YMCA from USA through the Moscow, Y's men from Norway through the North of Russia (Kirovsk) and developed some time separately. Later, because of efforts Norwegian Regional Boards, draw together. In Moscow, Bryansk, Yaroslavl Y's men clubs were based at the YMCA organization in St-Petersburg (Neva Y's men club), in Kirovsk (Kirovsk parents service Y's men club) YMCA organizations were based at the Y's men club. Y's men club in Severodvinsk decided to be only YMCA. The YMC Ekaterinburg and Cheboksary work to organize YMCA organizations in their cities.
Now we have close relation between Y's men movement and the Russian YMCA. Representatives from Russian Y's men are the members of YMCA's Field Group (world organization who help and finance Russian YMCA) the regional YMCA Boards. We have some common obligation, invite each other to projects, seminars, celebrations, change information, have regular meetings in other put into effect decisions and make common efforts in developing the organizations in Russia. This activity will secure further growth both Y's men and YMCA. In St-Petersburg district board support the YMCA camp for leader training youth.
It is very important part of our activity because the short time of Y's dom in Russia. At the period 2001-2002 we hold 3 seminars: one for all districts and two for district Barents and Golden Ring.
In November 2001 in St-Petersburg we held Leadership training seminar. 36 members including leaders from all clubs presented. The main questions: